Thank you.

Wow. We are filled with hope and love tonight. Thank you, dear friends. The vigil tonight was perfect in every way. Hundreds of people came together out of love and respect for this amazing family that has impacted so many lives. Thank you for coming, for praying, for encouraging us, hugging us, bringing cards and generous donations, and standing up in unison to say that you are walking this road with us. On behalf of the Owen/Mayer family, please know how deeply appreciative we are of YOU.

Those of you who were there tonight can personally attest to the amazing strength Jeremy is displaying right now. He is making his parents so proud. Jess was able to listen in to the vigil from her new room on the rehab floor at Harborview.  We look forward to bringing the signed banners, books and cards to all three of them tomorrow.

If you were not able to make it to the vigil tonight and would like to help contribute towards the medical expenses these kids are accumulating, we have a fund established and would be so grateful for your help in any way.  You can make checks payable to the Owen Mayer Family Relief Fund and mail them to:

Owen Mayer Family Relief Fund

2020 Maltby Road, Ste 7, PMB 298

Bothell, WA 98021

You might have seen the vigil featured on one of the local news channels this evening.  They were all present and are providing their viewers with the relief fund information, so we are very hopeful that this will give us a good start to helping cover some of the medical bills that are quickly accumulating.  We will undoubtedly need to do more fundraising as time moves forward, and I will make sure to let you know if there is any other way you can help.  I’ll post a few photos from the vigil here tonight.  The strength of community and the power of God together in one place…such a beautiful thing.  Much love to each of you from the Owen/Mayer family….

5 thoughts on “Thank you.

  1. Thank you for sharing information for all of us. What a wonderful family. Jeremy, you’re strength and maturity were so evident this evening.

  2. To Owen Family…was so saddened to hear of your loss and the medical challenges in front of you. Tim and Cheryl were friends during a younger time of my life and though we have not stayed in touch am feeling a tremendous loss. I hope those close around the family will keep their memory alive and use it as a rallying point for recovery of the kids. We Wish them all the best as they begin to heal both physically and emotionally. Was at the vigil and am confident that Jeremy will lead that effort with everyone’s support and guidance.

  3. I was out of the country for 9 days and coming home last night was not the same. The neighborhood I love so much was dark and full of sorrow. I drove pass my drive way to the bottom of the hill to the Owens house. I sat in my car and cried; I can’t accept this tragedy happened to the nicest people in the world. Cheryl and Tim were the pillar of our neighborhood and they will forever be loved and missed.
    Jessie, Jaime, Jeremy and Steven – you are not alone. We are all behind you. Love you so much and think of you every moment of the day.

    Neighbor and friend…

  4. Was not able to attend the vigil last night but did see KOMO’s great coverage. Jeremy, you are a fine man and I KNOW that you will help your sisters heal. Your Mom and Dad have given you amazing strength and their friends such as me couldn’t be prouder. CJ

  5. We were not able to attend but also saw on KOMO – Jeremy you are amazing. Your strength will help Jessie, Jaime and Steven mend. We were friends of Cheryl’s and your courage reminds me of her all she gave to everyone. Holly

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